Gardening 101 – Harvesting & Cooking
Harvesting techniques and cooking techniques
How do I know when my plants are ready for harvest? How do I cook it once it’s harvested? These questions come up a lot. Come join us for a class centered around how to harvest, cook and eat from your annual vegetable garden in central FL.
13 years old + (this is intended to be an adult class, however teens that can follow instructions are welcome to participate)
Instructor Bio
Leah Hagen
Born and raised in Central Florida, her captivation with nature has been a love and a way of life since childhood. Wherever she grows, she hopes to cultivate a place that becomes a living teacher of the kindness and abundance that a life connected to the earth can bring.
As an educator she has taught in a variety of locations, with the foundational view that “We owe it to our ancestors, to continue to bestow the wisdom of what it means, to have touched and honored, this ground we call home.”
I’m just thrilled he is in your school. You guys are miracle workers!