Herbal First Aid – What to have in your First Aid Kit
Put together an herbal first aid kit
First Aid Basket made by you in February! There are so many healing plants around us waiting to aid in our first aid baskets. It’s fun and you get to control what is added to your poultices, tinctures, and wound washes. This process is empowering and easier than we think. The focus plant will be aloe and it’s easy, soothing. We will discuss the basic, must-have essentials in your first aid basket. From scrapes and bruises to upset stomachs, bleeding stoppers, wound washes, and sunburn soothers. We will create a few lotions and potions together and take home some pre-prepped must have goodies for our baskets too.
8-88 years old. Children must be accompanied by an adult.

Instructor Bio
Kazimira Murr
Kazimira Murr’s love of the botanical world has no bounds. She sees plants as her teachers and nourishers, and takes great joy in sharing her findings in ancestral plant knowledge: how they were used as food source, medicine, practical everyday use and simply companions on this life journey.
Kazimira has a background in human resources, hospitality, social work, teaching, coaching, complimentary healing, and the medical field. She currently empowers herself and others to follow their passions by starting where we are at now and giving ourselves permission to emerge into these inspirations with confidence, joy, and wonder.
I’m just thrilled he is in your school. You guys are miracle workers!